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ZITS - The How's, Why's and What's of Spots!

You're  Bound  To  Get  'Em!!

It's  a  fact  of  life  I'm  afraid.

And  unless  you're  one  of  the  freakishly  few  people  who  can  honestly  say  they've  never  had  to  suffer  the  fate  of  waking  up  to  a  zit  on  their  first  day  of  school,  then  YOU  my  friend,  will  probably  get  'em  too.
It's  as  'Pimple,'  I  mean...... simple  as  that!

So  Why  Do  We  Get  Spots?  

And  Where  Do  They  Come  From?

Now  That's  A  Question!!

How  is  it  that  Mother  Earth,  after  her  BILLIONS  of  years  of  complex  evolution,  after  producing  a  life  form  SO  advanced  that  it  has  the  capability  of  flying  to  the  moon  and  back,  can  still  allow  us  to  suffer  from  the  embarrassment  of  what  can  only  be  described  as  greasy,  pussy,  pimples!

It  Seems  Rather  Cruel  Doesn't  It?

But  like  I  said  before,  it's  an  unavoidable,  and  very  much  necessary  part  of  growing  up,  just  like  puberty.

And  around  the  same  time  as  puberty  hits,  which  in  most  cases  will  be  between  the  ages  of  11  to  15,  zits  will  inevitably  start  to  make  an  appearance  in  your  life  as  well.

So  If  It's  Just  Nature,  

Then  It  Must  Be  A  Good  Thing,  


Well,  not  necessarily........

I  mean,  earth  quakes  and  volcanoes  are  both  natural,  but  ask  anyone  who's  ever  had  a  close  encounter  with  one  of  these  devastating  events,  and  I  bet  they  wouldn't  tell  you  that  they  hung  around  having  a  party.


Zits,  pimples,  spots,  or  whatever  you  want  to  call  them,  are  what's  known  as  a  necessary  evil.  A  part  of  life  that  nobody  likes,  but  everyone  has  to  deal  with.

So  How  Are  They  Made?  

Where  DO  Zits  Come  From?

The  answer  to  this  is  quite  simple!  

It's  because  Mother  Nature's  a  bitter  old  witch  that  wants  us  to  know  exactly  what  it  feels  like  to  have  a  blistering  hot,  vulcanous  mound,  violently  erupt  from  the  face  of  the  Earth.  (only  joking) 

But  like  a  volcano,  zits  are  the  body's  way  of  ejecting  unwanted  material  through  the  skin,  except,  in  the  case  of  a  zit,  the  unwanted  material  is  bacteria  and  dead  skin  cells,  rather  than  hot,  fiery  lava.

So  Here  Comes  The  Science-ey  Bit.

Under  The  Microscope..........

You'll  see  that  your  skin  isn't  as  smoothe  as  it  first  appears!  Oh no,  when  you  look  REALLY  closely  you'll  see  that  it's  covered  in  tiny,  microscopic  holes  that  are  known  as  pores.

Pores  are  there  for  a  number  of  different  reasons.  The  main  one  is  to  provide  an  outlet  for  the  body's  natural  oils  to  make  their  way  to  the  surface  of  the  skin,  making  sure  it  stays  hydrated  and  moisturised.

Now,  it's  around  the  same  time  that  you  start  puberty  that  you'll  begin  to  notice  your  skin  producing  more  of  this  oily  substance,  especially  on  your  face.

But  DON'T  Worry!

It's  all  natural  remember!

And  it's  due  to  the  fact  that  your  body  is  going  through  some  pretty  amazing  changes  as  you  go  from  being  a  youngster  to  an  adult.


I'm  afraid  that  it's  this  extra  oil  that  clogs  up  the  pores,  along  with  old,  dead  skin  cells,  and  dirt  and  bacteria,  to  produce  what  we  know  as  a  zit.

The  Pores  Get  Clogged  And  Begin  To  Swell.....

And  it's  this  swelling  which  causes  the  infected  area  of  skin  to  become  raised  and  inflamed,  which  is  pretty  much  the  beginning  for  the  life  of  a  zit.

As  your  body  begins  to  fight  the  small  infection  and  prepares  to  remove  this  unwanted  waste  from  the  skin,  it  produces  what  we  know  as  pus,  which  is  that  thick,  yellowish  substance  that  you'll  find  coming  out  of  Scabs  after  about  a  week  or  two,  especially  if  you  love  to  pick  'em!  (Which  you  should  NEVER  do  by  the  way- and  you  can  find  out  exactly  why  right  here!)

But  Today  We're  Talking  Zits.....

So  I'll  move  on.

The  commotion  that's  caused  from  the  body's  fight  with  the  bacteria  under  the  surface  if  the  skin  is  what  produces  pus.

The  pus  that's  produced  inside  of  the  pimple  needs  to  find  its  way  to  the  surface  where  it  can  be  ejected  from  the  body,  so  as  it  travels  to  the  top  of  the  zit,  it  pokes  its  little  white-ish,  yellow-ish  head  out,  and  there  you  have  it,  a  fully  formed  spot,  all  juicy  and  big  and  ready  to  be  squeezed.

But  Just  Like  'Scabs',  Zits  Should  NEVER  Be  Tampered  With!

Because  if  you  pop  your  zits  then  you  run  the  risk  of  putting  even  more  bacteria  from  your  hands,  back  into  the  freshly  opened  pimple  head,  which  could  make  things  a  whole  lot  worse!  Just  take  a  look!

So  if  you  wake  up  one  morning  and  find  you've  grown  a  big,  volcano-like  zit  right  in  the  middle  of  your  forehead,   whatever  you  do,  DON'T  pop  it!  DON'T  pick  it!  Just  leave  the  thing  alone  and  let  your  body,  which  has  been  evolving  for  BILLIONS  of  years,  do  the  good  work  that  it  has  always  done  so  well!

Because  as  you  can  see,  the  conciquences  could  be  dire!

And  if  you'd  like  to  keep  up  to  date  with  all  your  gross  science  facts,  or  if  you've  got  a  science  project  due  and  feel  you  need  some  extra  inspiration,  subscribe  to  this  blog  now  and  you'll  also  recieve  special  discounts  and  promotional  codes  for  money  off  The  Gross  Science  books,  t-shirts  and  phone  cases!
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Thank  you  for  your  time.  :)

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